So...Uh...SuP DooD!!! DiD you KnOw that REAL SpaM Is Made out of LiKe,200 DiFFeRenT Animals and StuFF. YuP...That's pretty disgusting.~~~~~~~~~~SELTZER FUN...You know that akalseltzer stuff? Go buy some of that. Once you have it...go feed it to a seagull and watch it EXPLODE!!! I'm Serious. Also...u can feed it to a dog.It will fart all day... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~COOL DEATH SCENE...Buy some M80's. Once you have the M80's...get some fake blood.(u can make it by mixing food dye and vegetable oil.) Then...take the blood and place it to look like you were shot in certain areas. Get in a position where alot of people will go outside and look at you.Light the M80's and THROW THEM FAR...lay down...and start moaning after they go off. ...tell the people that go outside it was Aliens or something then pretend to DIE!!! Ha Ha Ha!!! (When doing this...use old clothing that you don't care about getting stained...u know...the blood part.) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~SOMETHING FUN TO DO AT PARTIES...Obtain some smoke bombs... once you have that...everything else is a breeze.While everyone is pretty much in the same room...light some smoke bombs and throw them into the room. RUN!!! You can also bring some cigarettes and put them in the owner of the house of the party's parents bedroom to make thier parents think there was smoking at the party.~~~~~~~~~~~~FUN AT SCHOOL...Do you get bored at school? Want some fun for a change??? Of course you do. All you have to do is one of these things...(1)Call the school and leave the phone off the hook.On most phones the school systems use they can't hang up first...they have to wait until u do. (2)Put something that would make people laugh on the pull down window shade. This is a great way to disturb the class.(3)In a busy hall...tell everyone not to move or they might step on your contact lense.Then hold a massive search and after an hour...pull your contacts out of your pocket and say "Oops,my bad!" (4)Bring some bugs to school and release them in the cafeteria.(5)Do my cool death sceen in the halls.(6)Have everyone start coughing while the teacher is talking.(7)Go to the clinic and say that you accidently sat on a tack and that you need the lady in the clinic to pull it out.(8)Put stuff on the doornobs of the doors on faculty places.(9)Put fake newsletters on teachers desks stating that they are being fired or something.(10)Take a dump on the floor of the bathroom and kick it into the halls.(11)Ride a bike down a busy hall.(12)At recess outside...have your friend lay down near the school.When a teacher comes by,scream and point to the top of the building and say "He jumped!!!" (13)Put flypaper in the teachers chair.(14)Fart really loud at a quiet moment. (15)Shoot spitballs into people's food at lunch.Try not to get into trouble with any of this stuff because I won't be held responsible if you do.That's all for now. | ||
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